to the latest info + guides on global directions
to help you design your social | cultural | environmental city

girls just want to have fun... in empowered roles
solutions toward gender equality in a brave world
21 October 2015
“It’s good to be the Queen... but it’s easier being the King” McKinsey & Company
“Women In The Developing World Are 50% Less Likely To Access The Internet As Men” BuzzFeedNews
“Women’s Rights Online” World Wide Web Foundation
“Women's Positive Impact on Corporate Performance” Credit Suisse
“Research Institute: Thought leadership from Credit Suisse Research and the world’s foremost experts” Credit Suisse
“Startup Doxa uses data to rate tech firms on gender equality” The Mercury News Silicon Beat
Doxa: Find tech companies where female employees thrive
“Female executives are Alibaba's 'secret sauce,' founder Jack Ma says” Fortune
“A 12-year-old feminist wrote a letter to her favorite politician that will melt your heart”

move over urban renewal, here's suburban renewable
from sprawl to solar in the 'burbs
7 October 2015
"Beyond Sprawl: A New Vision of The Solar Suburbs of the Future" Yale Environment 360
"Solar: The ‘no-brainer’ that could take suburbs off grid" Cool Australia
"How solar power and electric cars could make suburban living awesome again" The Washington Post
"Solar Suburbs Are The Future" Solar Power Now
"SOLAR POWER: Could suburbs become the future of renewable energy?" E&E
University of Washington Conservation Magazine

homes for homeless
As urban cores grow, can we find ways to provide homes for the homeless?
23 September 2015
“Meet the outsider who accidentally solved chronic homelessness” The Washington Post
Los Angeles
“Los Angeles Puts $100 Million Into Helping Homeless” The New York Times
“Tiny houses for homeless at center of legal fight” The Los Angeles Times
Elvis Summer’s "Tiny House Huge Purpose"
“Man with soft spot leaves $3.3 million to skid row charities” The Los Angeles Times
“14-Story Tower for Homeless Individuals Proposed for Skid Row” DT News
“Homeless man jumps for joy over new tiny house” USA Today

big and small influencers shaping the rapidly changing urban landscape
2 September 2015
giving a damn again
Cameron Sinclair's new project
real data on urban trends
McKinsey and Company's new book on global forces breaking all trends
Quiz to test your knowledge on global urban trends: "5 Minutes to Reset Your Intuition"
brilliant street photodocumentary artist no one's ever heard of
Vivian Maier
"Hunt for acclaimed photographer Vivian Maier's long-lost brother heats up" Chicago Tribune
Movie trailer: Finding Vivian Maier

as cities plan and design for better walking and biking, cars are reborn
19 August 2015
Apple is building self-driving car
Documents confirm Apple is building self-driving car The Guardian
Self-driving cars need car test facility
Silicon Valley vs Motor City: regions compete to test self-driving cars The Guardian
GoMentum Station: Bay Area car test facility
Mcity: Michigan car test facility designed like a town
U-M opens Mcity test environment for connected and driverless vehicles U-M Michigan News
Mcity: Mobility Transformation Center U-M
Florida wants a car test facility
Space Shuttle site may soon be used to test self-driving cars Autoblog
New Jersey wants a car test facility
Developer Hopes To Build Driverless Car Testing Facility At Fort Monmouth Wordontheshore

beyond SimCity and Minecraft – games for the city architect in all of us
5 August 2015
board game by IDW Games
Japanese card game sweeping the world
video game by Paradox Interactive
Build it | Manage it | Mod it
online game by National Geographic Society
players design and create their own energy-efficient city of the future
board game by Bezier Games
Live in the town of tomorrow... TODAY!

urban planning at the intersection of digital and physical
17 June 2015
transportation infrastructure
re|building roads with civil engineering social media
Advocating to Restore America's infrastructure
urban infrastructure
re|building cities with Google technology
"Sidewalk Labs, a Start-Up Created by Google, Has Bold Aims to Improve City Living" The New York Times
Our mission is to improve life in cities for everyone through the application of technology to solve urban problems.
mobility infrastructure
re|connecting vehicles with the internet of moving things
"5 smart cities players a step ahead of Google's Sidewalk Labs" GreenBiz
Delivering the networking fabric for the Internet of Moving Things

new visions, new visionaries in the urban age
3 June 2015
earth artists, a new breed of city architect
a website about Michael Heizer
"Michael Heizer's Big Work and Long View" The New York Times
"Art's Last, Lonely Cowboy" The New York Times
nextgen engineers, a new breed of park architect
"Stem Academy students envision green space built atop 101 Freeway" The LA Times
sustainable cities
responsible corporations, a new breed of environment architect
"Can companies become cities' sustainability savior?" GreenBiz
"Citystates II: The Case for Corporate Leadership in Urban Sustainability" SustainAbility

improving quality of life beyond foodie trends and pretty places
20 May 2015
data art tool for anyone who wants to participate in the process of creating healthier cities
Sense Your City
making clean water transparent
"Splash, Where the Water (and Everything Else) is Clear" Nonprofit Chronicles
Kids & Unsafe Water
every child has a right to clean water.
We're making a difference for everyone
Clean Drinking Water for Developing Countries
Safe water
social economics
empowering impoverished nations
Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA)
More Evidence, Less poverty
formerly Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee

urban trends where everybody wins
6 May 2015
New York
a plan toward social and environmental resilience
"OneNewYork: The Plan for a Strong and Just City"
This is our city. It's our future. And it starts right now.
public innovation
newly released strategies and guide for advancing social and environmental resilience
Urban Sustainability Directors Network Smart Cities Strategies
Urban Sustainability Directors Network Smart Cities Resource Guide
going beyond top down planning toward ground level playing for social and environmental resilience
"Kaboom!: When Doing Good Isn't Good Enough" Nonprofit Chronicles
The State of Play
"The only thing worse than kids giving up on school, is if we give up on them."